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Why We Need Smart Carparks

Why We Need Smart Carparks | Guardforce ThailandFor 2022, the Federation of Thai Industries (FTI) forecasts domestic car sales of 850,000 units representing a 12 percent rise over 2021. As the number of cars on the road continues to increase, governments and local authorities are looking for more innovative parking solutions to solve issues with congestion and pollution. Traditional car parks rely purely on drivers to find spaces by driving around in the hope to find a spot. This is not only stressful, time consuming and costly with the current sky-high petrol and diesel prices, but also increases pollution, which is particularly problematic in urban areas. With no information on where free parking spaces are, drivers are also often forced to queue, further exacerbating the problem. From the perspective of car park owners, the system of traditional car parking also offers little insight into car park usage and driver habits for future planning and maintaining parking security is always a pain point. As such, as part of Smart City blueprints, smart carparks are becoming more and more popular around the world. But what is a smart carpark and why do we need them? We’ll take a closer look in this blog.

What is a smart carpark system?

Smart carpark systems harness the power of CCTV and IoT combined with other intelligent devices to capture parking data and transform it into meaningful real-time information for drivers and carpark owners. Guardforce Thailand’s Smart Carpark Management Solution, for example, integrates license plate recognition and sensors with various devices such as cameras, gate barriers, parking signages and kiosks, to improve carpark operations. Car access records and images are automatically uploaded to the cloud for management to retrieve when required. This parking solution allows drivers to easily see at a glance if parking spaces are available and where they are through a dedicated mobile app by scanning the QR code at the entrance. This eliminates the need to drive around unnecessarily looking for any free spaces. Payment is made at the automated carpark kiosk or by scanning a QR code for mobile payment, helping to streamline the entire parking process and reduce manpower costs. The app will even help you find your car if you forget where you parked it!

These type of next-generation smart parking solutions are ideal for shopping malls, residential and commercial buildings, school campuses, airports and other large public facilities.

Key benefits of parking automation

Here are some of the key benefits of smart carparks:

  • Saves time and money for drivers and is altogether a less stressful experience
  • Reduces CO2 emissions, helping to reduce our carbon footprint
  • Improves congestion on the roads by stopping the need for drivers to search endlessly for parking spaces
  • Reduces vehicle accidents as less cars are hovering around the streets making risky maneuvers
  • Seamless experience and reduces human contact and errors during payment
  • Enhances managements’ insight into carpark usage and driver habits, e.g. peak time analysis
  • Enhanced parking security with the integration of CCTV, IoT and license plate recognition

Learn more about Guardforce Thailand’s Smart Carpark Solution

Parking automation provides a host of benefits over standard carparks. It not only saves time and costs, but it also benefits our environment and reduces congestion on the road. To learn more about Guardforce Thailand’s Smart Carpark Management Solution, click here.

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