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Top 10 Essential Qualities Of A Good Security Guard

Top 10 Essential Qualities Of A Good Security Guard | Guardforce Thailand

Recruiting a team of security guards is the first step when setting up any security perimeter. Although the requirements of guards may vary for different positions, the fundamental personal attributes of a professional guard are generally the same. Recruiting a good security guard makes a huge difference, from their appearance and attitude to positively reflect the client’s branding and image, to their ability and skills which directly affect the quality of security provided. If the guard falls short in these areas, both the customer experience as well as the level of protection and risk management are negatively affected. In this blog, we will highlight the top 10 essential qualities of a good security guard which you should look for when recruiting.

1. Honest and trustworthy

An absolute vital element that makes a good security guard is honesty and trustworthiness. Performing background checks to ensure there is no criminal record should be a matter of course. On top of this, references from previous employers showing a good employment history and clean employment records with no history of dishonesty should be requested.

2. Experience

Anything could happen in the shift of a security guard and knowing how to spot a risk and react correctly through past experience is a very useful trait to have. As such, choosing guards with a good amount of experience in various roles definitely helps.

3. Training

Training is critical to ensure each guard complies with all operational procedures and has the skills required for a specific post. First aid, use of fire extinguishers and basic defence skills are also needed. Training should be refreshed and conducted regularly, especially when new skills are needed such as the correct use of new technologies. When recruiting security guards, always look for those who are well trained.

4. Vigilance

A good security guard should be observant and able to spot potential risks and react quickly, so look for personnel who seem alert and ready to act.

5. Reliability

It’s no good having a team of guards if many of them show up late or not at all. Checking past job references for good attendance rates and punctuality is a must.

6. Leadership

 A history of being able to lead others would be another useful skill to look for in a good security guard. As well as leadership skills, the ability to follow instructions is also important.

7. Communication

Guards need to work as a team to be effective. They need to interact with their superiors, their peers, their subordinates, customers/visitors, regulatory bodies, etc. You should look for personnel who are able to listen and convey messages clearly and quickly.

8. Customer service

As mentioned above, the role of a security guard includes being able to deal professionally with customers and the public. They should understand that they represent the client in the eyes of the public. Therefore, try to look for guards who are polite, well groom and professional to maintain the good image of the customer.

9. Fitness

A good security guard needs to be fit and healthy to perform duties such as patrolling, site checking, etc.

10. Valid security licence from the Royal Thai Police

Last but certainly not least, all security guards need to attend a training course and attend a number of hours of practice to obtain before they can legitimately work as a security guard in Thailand. Ensure any guard you recruit has a valid security licence from the Royal Thai Police.

Learn more about Guardforce Thailand’s professional security guard services

Guardforce Thailand is one of the leading international security companies in Thailand. Specializing in providing security guards for commercial premises, hotels, retail, hospitals, subways, airports and industrial sites, it has been offering professional security services to all regions in Thailand since 1990. It offers a one-stop service including providing security training required by the Royal Thai Police, credential checks on all applicants, regular on-the-job training, matching the right guard to the right post, etc. to ensure clients have the best level of protection using the most professional guards. To learn more, click here.

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