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Superior Security Services Are Vital During COVID-19

To ensure safety for all in our society during COVID-19, superior security services are fundamental for public places.

In nearly two years of battling COVID-19, millions of lives have been lost worldwide, even more have been hospitalized, and people have to live with anti-epidemic rules and measures. Thailand had to grapple with an increasing number of infection cases in recent months, despite earlier success in keeping the pandemic at bay with effective health control measures. 

Having gone through four unofficial and official lockdowns, Thais should be congratulated for complying with health control measures and paying much more attention to health and safety than ever. The public venues that maintain stringent and effective health control measures such as body temperature screening, social distancing, cleaning and disinfection at all touch points are the ones that gain users’ confidence. 

How important are security services during COVID-19?

Bangkok statistics show that the highest COVID-19 infection rates are recorded among merchants/sellers, office employees, construction workers, factory workers and general workers. Most patients are at working age with high exposure to infection in their workplaces or the places they visit. Unaware they are infected, they may spread the virus within their families and the community. Self-care is the best way to prevent infection. More than that, public venues should implement preventive measures.

Busy locations such as hospitals, department stores, malls, airports, event venues, factories and companies, in particular, must carry out strict public health control measures such as screening, body temperature checking and visitor registration for precautionary control.

When there are no security guards enforcing public health control measures, there might be gaps for new infectious clusters to form. Therefore, it is necessary for all companies and all places that have a large number of users to have security guards taking charge of initial screening of users and ensuring everyone entering a venue follow the measures strictly for the safety of themselves and others.

How do Guardforce ‘superior’ security services surpass others? 

COVID-19 is not going away. Choosing Superior Security Services has become necessary and indispensable for customers. Guardforce, certified for international standard ISO 9001, provides full security services in accordance with the SECURITY GUARD BUSINESS ACT, B.E. 2558 (2015), posting security guards in charge of protecting customers’ premises, supported by modern security technologies.

Guardforce’s security services are tailored for different functions – i.e., event guards, airport security, security guards for factories and security guards for hospitals in Thailand, designed to keep users safe in all situations, with enhanced services for COVID-19 outbreak prevention and control measures required by the Ministry of Public Health, as follows:


Guardforce security guards are the first to greet users in a venue and to screen people entering for COVID-19 infection risks. Screening methods are adapted for individual locations to meet the needs of customers. For instance, security guards could stop people with a body temperature of 37 degree Celsius or above from entering.

Recording users’ entry time and duration through check-in applications or record books can help with the timeline investigation of targeted users if there is an infected case to trace. Security guards can facilitate the process and offer an identification such as a sticker to indicate an individual has undergone proper screening. Security guards can also make sure visitors sanitize their hands with alcohol gel at service points.

Maintaining social distancing

To comply with the Ministry of Public Health’s social distancing standard of keeping 1.5 to 2 meters  apart, Guardforce security guards serve as facilitators ensuring people maintain safe physical distancing in public areas such as airport seats or check-in points for passengers.    

Monitoring user density

Guardforce security guards also control the number of users as determined by the safe capacity for each location, at around four square meters per person, to prevent over-crowding.

Full vaccination of security guards

Guardforce makes sure all security guards have received two doses of COVID-19 vaccination to give customers extra peace of mind.

As well, Guardforce’s security guards have all gone through strict background verification and stringent professional training as well as service skills training in accordance with the SECURITY GUARD BUSINESS ACT, B.E. 2558 (2015). Customers are welcome to ask for more relevant information to make sure that their organizations will be provided with excellent and quality services from highly qualified security guards  that meet their specific needs. 

Ready to meet customers’ needs in all situations 

Guardforce’s Superior Security Services contribute to enhancing customers’ image and service quality, with care, innovation and new technologies, and professional security guards that have extensive experience and professionalism to meet all our customers’ needs. 

“We deliver innovative solutions, fortified security and genuine care for the community, with the foresight to identify evolving needs.

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